Saturday, January 3, 2009

Head massage a gateway to heaven

Head Massage is an old massage technique which developed very strong in India and Tibet.
There are other countries where the local culture developed their own versions of Head-massage, however the most important and well documented ones are these two.

Champissage, also known as an Indian head massage is an old Ayurvedic practice focusing on the shoulder, neck and head area of the body. The Indian Head Massage is a vigorous technique which aims to increase blood circulation, stimulate the skin regeneration, and alleviate hair loss problems.

Tibetan Head Massage is a more relaxing alternative derived from the same root - the ancient Ayurveda, but with a different evolving path. It focuses more on balancing energies, on the psychological side of an individual.

The modern, western Head–Massage is a blend of these two techniques and a specific set of acupressure and shiatsu stimulations, with the purpose to provide the patient a unique experience. Head massage is a very powerful tool against the modern’s life illnesses. For more information about head massage check this webpage: